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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chapter 4

Winter comes and the kids are released early from school; this is so they can work in the fields on their parents farms. TJ tried to make an appeal for his sentence but, it was denied. Moe really wants a better life for himself. Mr. Granger has taken Papa's money for himself. It is possible that Papa isn't going to work on the railroad this year. When Papa goes to the railroad he is gone for 9 months of the year. This is so he can get money for his family. Cassie has a new teacher. While she is at school she gets sent to Mrs. Lee Annie's during lunch to write a letter for her. Cassie describes Wordell as a very quiet person. Some people think he's kind of dumb.


  1. Im sorry but for me Working in a feild during a cold sesion isnt me, i also feel very bad for TJ because he trys very hard to make his appeal.

  2. The person that wrote this should have told why Cassie is writing a letter for Mrs.Anne Lee.

  3. You forogt to mention that Papa got shot in the leg at the railroad last time. The summery was still really good.

  4. i feel very bad for T.J. because his appeal got denied and I felt very bad. I dont like cold weather so I woudlnt be to happy about working out there

  5. i think it is sad tht T.J.'s appeal god denied.. they shoulodnt have denied it and they should not accuse him of it just bcuz he is black... and i dnt rlly like cold weather either and he ahouldnt have to work out here..


  6. i like the summary but you could of added that wordell was chopping would an brought the axe up an that it frightened Cassie. But i would of hated to live in this time of year...


  7. This book is all so sad! I think the summary though summary was good,although yu left out some of the important things, like papa's past at working at the railroads. I agree with kyshanna too this time of year feels terrible to be in

  8. i liked this summary but i thought it was very brief.

  9. ok kyndra good comment but i disagree i think this book has alot of life to it.Also i hate all the rasium in this book if i lived back in the days i would cry.


  10. I agree with Amanda they shouldn't of accused T.j because he's black.

  11. i could never work in the fields in the winter time im mexican were not made for the cold

  12. I wonder why people think that wordell is dumb?

  13. well i agre with kyndra , because yeah they didnt say anything about his past in the railroads , and what others think about this situation.
    -Kiyana :)

  14. I agree with kiyana,They needed to talk abot his past on the railroads and what they thought about it.I totally agree with Amanda they should not have prosecuted him because he was black.Over all it was a very good summery.
    ~Kaleigh Grimmett~

  15. yeah , this summary isnt that good beacuse it doesnt say that mama didnt want papa to go too the railroad or anything . but i guess its okay(: but i agree with kyndra . This book is sad ):

  16. I agree with all yall.This book is sad.And I think they denied T.J because he was black.I think that was so wrong.And to me working in the field in the winter is the worst time to work in the field.Its too cold for me!!!

    --->Ashley R.<--- :)

  17. I thought this paragraph was good. Its really sad that the children have to get out of school just so they can work on the would be just so sad.

  18. I agree with what a lot of people said about this book being sad. The rascism was the worst to me but what everyone needs to realize is that kind of stuff did happen and we need to focus on stopping rascism.

  19. keely i dont think the book is bad i just dont like the layout about the book, talking about racism is not my favorite topic. i did like the book just not some of the parts in the book
