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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chapter 13

Chapter 12

Uncle Hammer arrives a few days before Christmas. While Uncle Hammer is there Papa was on another search, so Uncle Hammer prepares the Hoghead Souse. Papa comes back on Christmas Eve. On Christmas they sing Will the Circle Be UnBroken. The song is about family. At church Russell and Mrs. Lee Annie greets Hammer, Cassie notices Son Boy and thinks he looks alone without Don Lee. At dinner Ms Lee Annie says she is going to register to vote, they try to talk her out of it. She wants mama to come with her. Jake comes over with a present for Suzella, Papa refuses to accept the gift. After Christmas day cousin Bud comes to get Suzella. Everyone is sad, even Cassie.
-Kyndra Syms

Chapter 11

Mary Lou Wellever stated that Stacey could be dead and Cassie instantly attached her on school grounds. Miss Crocker breaks up the fight and sends Cassie into a classroom to talk with her cousin Suzella.

Suzella and Cassie venture off into the woods to talk about their personal feelings that they have kept to themselves. Meanwhile, Wordell has killed a cat because he feels it shouldn't live since it took the life of a bird that he cared about. Cassie and her brothers don't favor this act of cruelty from Wordell but they continue to follow him trying to fill in the absence of Stacey. Cassie begins to talk to Wordell telling him some of her deepest thoughts. After Cassie is healed from her sickness she feels more mature and her whole mindset has changed.
-Desiree Mitchell

Chapter 10

When they find out that Stacey had run away,the Logans immedeatly start a search. The first place that they look is the Turner's farm. Only to discover that Moe is missing to. Papa and Uncle Hammer came back to help with the search. Leading to a major strain on Papa and Mama's marriage.

Chapter 9

In this chapter, Stuart thinks Suzella is white and plays along. As a result, Mama and Suzella get int a fight over it. Later, they recieve a letter from Papa telling them that he will be able to get to go to a revival with them. Then the Logan famiy goes to a place to gin the cotton and sell it. After that, Stacey runs away from home to find work to ease the Logan's finacial trouble.


Chapter 8

In this chapter, Suzella arrives, and Cassie becomes jealous. Also when the Turner's cow dies, BIgma decides to loan them a cow. At that same instant, Sheriff Dobbs and Mr. Peck arrive, telling the Turners that they have to plow up a good portion of their cotton. Then, Moe gets into a fight with them and gets in trouble. After that the Logans leave with Moe crying.

Chapter 7

Cassie and papa are sitting on the front porch. hey talk abot the incident with Uncle Hammer and Jermy's picture. Papa tells Cassie that everthing Uncle Hammer says is true, even if he acts a little hard on her. Papa then explains that his grandfather was a white slave owner, the owner of his father mother. He uses this as an example of how white men can act with black women. They take advantage of black women. He then mentions that boys will start courting Cassie very soon, but CVassie inwardly protests. She wants to remain friends with the boys she knows. The conversation turns again to race, and Papa suggest that everyone is of a mixed race in some way. No one can pick who his ancestors are,then he make his wish.

Akasha Davis