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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Chapter 10

When they find out that Stacey had run away,the Logans immedeatly start a search. The first place that they look is the Turner's farm. Only to discover that Moe is missing to. Papa and Uncle Hammer came back to help with the search. Leading to a major strain on Papa and Mama's marriage.


  1. I think this is a good summary beacuse it is short and to the ponit(:

    jessika .

  2. I agree with Jessikaa(: It is short but to the point. Hey come check out my blog at It's full of stuff already including videos, pictures, and polls. It's fun! (:

  3. I agree it is not that long and it gets right to the point about the chapter=)

  4. Im mean really think about how she felt before she ran away then try to make those thinks better so that she would come back that's what i would do.

  5. I think she ran away because she wanted people to feel what it would be like without her around

  6. i had very nice detail and gets to what the what the chaper about =]

  7. This summary is short and needs more information

  8. This is the the best short summery that i've read so far.

  9. this is a good summary and i like tht it is short and to the pint but i wouold have made things right and not ran away like she did..

  10. AW!!! THATs SAd THAt He WENt ANd RAn AWAy!! He SHoULDNt Of LEFt HiS PARENtS LiKE THAt..i HOPe THEy DiDNt GEt A DiVORCe!! :[

  11. I agree with amanda it is a good summary because it is short but i would not of run away

  12. this a good short and snappy summary that is staight to the point. i kind of understand Stacey coz he is at that point of life where his whole world is upside down and hes changing and stuff. at this stage, he needs his dad more than ever.

    ~ celesta

  13. Hey I think that its bad that he ran away and that papa and uncle hammer went to find him even if it would harm mama's and papa's marrage. Nice paragraph by the way.

  14. it should have told hwy stacey ran away, wasnt it because she thought mama need to let her grow up?-kyndra

  15. To be so short it covered the main parts of this chapter, good summary

  16. I didn't understand this! Why did it not tell why Stacey ran away? This is also really short. It could use a little more information.
